HKGNA Music Festival 2022 ''Music on the Harbourfront'' 香港新世代藝術協會音樂節 2022 「樂在維港」條款及細則 Terms & Conditions

活動須知 Notes:

1)購買者需要輸入與身份證明文件相同的英文姓名(大小寫皆可), 英文姓名排序及空格位置需要跟身份證明文件上完全相同,例如英文姓名為「CHAN SIU MING」,不能輸入「CHANSIUMING」或「CHAN SIUMING」等,並只限填寫英文姓名,大小寫皆可,必須與身份證明文件上的姓名一致。成功購買後不可作出任何更改

The purchase of tickets operates under real-name registration. The English name (either upper or lower case) entered, including the capitalization and spaces, must match with the name on your identification document, eg. English name such as ''CHAN SIU MING'', ''CHANSIUMING'' or ''CHAN SIUMING'' are not accepted. Tickets will not be refunded and names cannot be changed after successful transaction.


2)HKGNA 音樂節 2022 「樂在維港」以實名制入場,所有持票人士須預留足夠時間到達西九文化區藝術公園大草坪以進行身份核實,向主辦機構出示香港身份證或護照正本,以核對持票人士的姓名與門票上的姓名是否一致。核對無誤後,方可入場。如兩者不相符,主辦方有權拒絕持票人進場。

All ticket holders of HKGNA Music Festival 2022 ”Music on the Harbourfront”  must bring along their HKID or Passport (original copy) for admission. Presenter will check the name on the ticket against the name on the HKID or Passport (original copy). Admission will only be allowed after successful verification.



Each person can purchase a maximum of 2 tickets and the English full names of both purchasers (that match his/her HKID or Passport) must also be presented during the payment process. All names will be verified during event admission.



Once transaction is made, no further modification is allowed. Please make sure all information is correct.



All purchased and issued tickets cannot be transferred under real-name registration. If the name on the ticket does not match with the corresponding identification document at the time of admission, the organizer will refuse entry of the ticket holder and no refund will be made.

6)音樂會演出前設有電影放映讓觀眾欣賞,為避免長時間排隊等候,主辦單位建議持票人士於電影開始前1小時(即11月18日下午3時, 11月19日下午3時30分)到場進行身份核實。在核對無誤後,持票人士均需要在入口接受篩查/保安檢查,並配戴工作人員提供的識別手帶後方可入場。觀眾期間可自由進出大草坪範圍,並在電影/音樂會開始前重返入場。由於觀眾人數眾多且核對需時,為免延誤入場,出席活動的觀眾需預留足夠時間完成登記程序。假如持票觀眾未有預留足夠時間而導致延誤入場,即有可能要等待適當時候方可安排入座。

It is highly recommended to arrive at the West Kowloon Art Park Great Lawn 1 hour prior to the movie (i.e. Nov 18, 3pm; Nov 19, 3:30pm) for check-in to avoid a long queue. Audience who are successfully checked-in can freely access the Great Lawn area and return to their seats before the commencement of the movie/ concert. Security check will be performed at admission, and wristband will be provided by Presenter before ticket-holder access the venue. As the admission process is thorough, if audience members do not reserve sufficient time for verification which leads to a delayed entry, admission can only be made at a suitable time. 

7) 主辦機構有權拒絕參加者攜帶任何物品進場,亦有權以我們認為適當的手法處理所有無人管理的物品。

Presenter reserves the right to forbid any items to be brought into the venue, and to deal with any unattended objects in ways we consider appropriate.


場館防疫規定 Venue COVID Prevention Regulations:

  • 因場館防疫規定,進入場館必須持有並出示「疫苗通行證」。(詳細安排請參閱: must follow the latest epidemic prevention measures issued by the government and the house rules of the venue.
  • 進入場館前必需利用「安心出行」手機應用程式掃描場所二維碼,並向場館職員出示已掃瞄畫面。Spectators are required to use “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application to scan the venue QR code before they are allowed to enter the venue.
  • 如閣下有發燒症狀、體溫高於37.5度或未有佩戴口罩,主辦方有權拒絕閣下進場。演唱會門票費用及購票手續費恕不退還。Spectators must pass through a temperature screening when entering the venue. Those with symptoms of fever or temperature over 37.5 degree celsius should refrain from entering the venue. They may be prohibited from entering the venue and in such a case, ticket will not be returned or exchanged.
  • 現場嚴禁飲食,觀眾須在演出期間全程妥善戴上口罩。如有違反,主辦方有權請該名人士離場,演唱會門票費用、購票手續費恕不退還。Food and drinks are prohibited in the venue. Spectators must wear their masks to fully cover their nose, mouth and chin throughout their presence at the venue. Any violators may be prohibited from entering the venue and in such a case, ticket will not be returned or exchanged.


Event Dates