HKGNA Music Festival 2022 ''Music on the Harbourfront'' 香港新世代藝術協會音樂節 2022 「樂在維港」

2022年11月18日至20日,在西九文化區藝術公園大草坪,香港新世代藝術協會有限公司(HKGNA)將隆重呈獻為期三天的戶外音樂慶典:香港新世代藝術協會音樂節2022 —「樂在維港」!這場年度盛會獲香港旅遊發展局、旅遊事務署和香港品牌支持,在維港兩岸璀璨夜景下,為大家帶來結合音樂與電影的美妙享受。

HKGNA MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022 – “Music on the Harbourfront”, a spectacular outdoor three day music extravaganza, presented by Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Limited (HKGNA), will be held at the West Kowloon Great Lawn, Art Park on 18th - 20th November, 2022. Supported by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Tourism Commission, and Brand Hong Kong, this spectacular music festival will be an open air celebration of music and film under the star-lit Hong Kong evening sky.

音樂會的演出陣容非常華麗,有格萊美獎得主兼全球聲樂專輯銷量榜首——女高音曹秀美,本地歌手姜濤、關心妍、跳唱組合P1X3L,紅遍網絡世界的音樂喜劇二人組Igudesman & Joo、傑出加拿大鋼琴家Matt Herskowitz,以及香港古典音樂名家——香港管弦樂團首席王敬、指揮凌顯祐與孫子承。HKGNA音樂節青年管弦樂團也將偕同一眾星級嘉賓,為音樂會獻奏動人樂章。而在11月18日的揭幕音樂會中,香港巨星姜濤將首次與古典聲樂天后曹秀美一同合唱! 

Superstar guest artists include: Grammy Award winner and world’s highest selling classical singer, Soprano Sumi Jo, Hong Kong’s superstar Canto-pop stars Keung To, Jade Kwan and P1X3L, international and internet sensation comedy music duo Igudesman & Joo, brilliant Canadian pianist Matt Herskowitz, and Hong Kong Classical virtuosos HK Phil concertmaster, Jing Wang, conductor Andrew Ling and Felix Shuen. Our HKGNA Music Festival Youth Orchestra performs alongside these superstar guest artists. There will be a world premier special event: a duet with Hong Kong Megastar Keung To and Classical Music Icon Sumi Jo at our festival on November 18 at the Opening Concert!


We are proud to feature a performance of Cantonese Suites by renowned Chinese Composer Xiaogang Ye. HKGNA International Competition Grand Prize winner pianist Zhang Yue, Anson Wong, violinist Sophie Leung, visually impaired HKGNA Musical Angel pianist Lee Shing and special young pianist Malcolm Mok, local & international schools will also perform in this year’s HKGNA music festival.


"Music on the Harbourfront” will also showcase a spectacular open-air movie event “Cinemagic” each evening featuring Hong Kong’s Music Icon Biopic “Anita” from Hong Kong, “Up to His Ears!” from France and “In Our Prime” from Korea, followed by the star studded concert events.


These incredible concert performances will be broadcasted through CJ ENM’s tvN networks in eight regions and live streamed globally!


This Festival is proudly supported by Title Sponsor The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC), Double Diamond Sponsor ESPRIT, Gold Sponsor ZNS, Media Partner CJ ENM, Official Hotel Sponsor Upper House, Airline Sponsor Cathay Pacific and supporting partners Samsung and Tom Lee Music and Music Partner KKBOX. We are also supported by international foreign consulates including the Korean, French and Canadian Consulates in Hong Kong and the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong




11月18日 (五)

NOV 18 (FRI)

下午4時 :戶外放映會 – 香港電影精選《梅艷芳》
Cinemagic Hong Kong Movie “Anita”: 4pm

晚上7時 :揭幕音樂會 Opening Concert: 7pm

• 演出嘉賓:韓國女高音曹秀美、本地歌手姜濤、指揮凌顯祐、HKGNA音樂比賽2014大獎得主鋼琴家張越、HKGNA音樂節青年管弦樂團、赤煉鼓樂團

Artists:  Soprano Sumi Jo, Canto-pop star Keung To, Conductor Andrew Ling, HKGNA International Competition Grand Prize winners pianist Zhang Yue, HKGNA Music Festival Youth Orchestra, Refiner Drums


11月19日 (六)

NOV 19

下午4時30分 :戶外放映會 – 法國電影精選《烏龍王大鬧香港》Cinemagic French Movie “Up to His Ears”: 4:30pm

晚上7時 :「音樂新世代」音樂會 
Music for Gen-NextConcert: 7pm

• 演出嘉賓:音樂喜劇二人組Igudesman & Joo、跳唱組合P1X3L,HKGNA國際音樂比賽大獎得主:鋼琴家王應淳和小提琴家梁馨菲

Artists:  Music Comedy Duo Igudesman & Joo, Canto-pop star P1X3L, HKGNA International Competition Grand Prize winners pianist Anson Wong & violinist Sophie Leung


For more program details, please check with

節 目 資 訊

演出日期 Event Date:2022年11月18-19日 / 18-19 November 2022

演出地點 Venue:西九文化區藝術公園大草坪 Great Lawn, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

演出地址 Address:西九文化區藝術公園大草坪 Great Lawn, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

票      價 Ticket Price :HKD 380 (座位 Seating) / HKD 80 (自由席 Standing)

*每張門票需要額外加HK$8 平台手續費。Platform fee of HK$8 per ticket will be charged.

*每張門票均包括電影連晚間音樂會入場。 Each ticket includes admission to the movie session with evening concert.



滙豐信用卡專享優先訂票開售時間 / HSBC Credit Card Exclusive Priority Booking:

2022年10月21日 15:00PM - 2022年10月23日 23:59PM

21 October 2022 15:00PM - 23 October 2022 23:59PM 

公開售票 / Public Sales:

2022年10月24日 11:00AM

24 October 2022 11:00AM 

//場館防疫規定請查閱活動條款及細則。 For Venues COVID Prevention Regulations, please proceed to Event Terms & Conditions


購 票 方 式 說 明

【會員相關權益公告】您的 KKTIX 會員需完成"電子郵件地址驗證"才能進行購票流程,請至 確認是否您的電子郵件已經認證完畢。提醒您請勿使用Yahoo、Hotmail信箱註冊及驗證,以避免驗證信未能寄達。 
[Members rights notice] "Email address verification" needs to be completed for your KKTIX membership verification before the ticket purchase process, please go to to confirm whether your email has been verified.
To avoid the failure of receiving an order confirmation email, KKTIX does NOT suggest to use Yahoo or Hotmail email for registration.
  1. 座位分配:僅提供「電腦劃位」,系統將自動分配選擇票價的最適合區域及相連座位,若當下已無相連座位,則會分配符合選擇張數的不相連座位。緊記購買時要再三確認。The system will follow the preset logic to scan from the default preferred seat to select appropriate location of the available seats matching the required quantity to customers for consideration.

  2. 本活動只接受信用卡(VISA/MASTER/UNIONPAY)付款。This event only accepts credit card (VISA/MASTER/UNIONPAY) payment.

  3. 限以KKTIX會員(免費登記)或 KK ID 帳號登入,請消費者先免費加入成會員訂單一旦成立,恕不接受更改、取消、退回或退款。Transaction is limited to KKTIX members or KK ID accounta. Consumers are requested to join the membership for free. Once order is established, no changes, cancellations, returns or refunds will be accepted.

  4. 滙豐信用卡優先訂購:請憑有效之滙豐信用卡作優先訂購,使用其他信用卡將不能訂購。滙豐信用卡優先訂購僅開放部分區域HSBC Credit Card Exclusive Priority Booking: Please use a valid HSBC credit card for priority booking, other credit cards will not be able to order. HSBC credit card priority ordering is only available in certain areas.

  5. 每個帳號最多購買2張門票。A maximum of 2 tickets are allowed to purchase per transaction. 

  6. 每張門票需加上KKTIX平台服務費用HKD$8 ,費用將會跟門票價錢一起結算。Platform fee of HK$8 per ticket will be charged.

  7. 實名制購票:門票均以​​實名制發售。購買門票時需要輸入與身份證明文件(香港永久性居民身份證或有效之護照)完全相同的英文姓名(大小寫皆可)。成功購買後不能作出更改,門票亦將印上你的登記姓名,入場時需要提供身份證明文件以核實身份,如姓名跟身份證明文件不符,主辦將有權拒絕持票人進場。Real Name RegistrationThe purchase of tickets operates under real name registration. The English name entered must match the name on your identification document, capitalization and spaces of name must be exactly the same as the identification document (without any punctuation), tickets will not be refunded, and names cannot be changed after transaction done.

  8. 每個訂單成立之後會收到「訂單成立通知電郵」。「訂單成立通知電郵」可能因其他因素未能寄到您的電郵,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到「訂單成立通知電郵」不代表交易沒有成功,又或是付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試用信用卡付款(即使收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電郵),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的資訊,若查不到您所訂購的資訊,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。After your order is successfully completed, an order confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. If you can’t receive the confirmation email, it does not mean the purchase order is incomplete or the transaction is failed. Please try to process transaction again (even you have already received the authorize message or email from issued bank).

  9. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您在註冊會員或結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。A valid e-ticket must be presented for admission, an order confirmation email include QR code will be sent to your registered email address. To avoid the failure of receiving an order confirmation email, KKTIX does NOT suggest to use Yahoo or Hotmail email for registration.

  10. KKTIX系統沒有固定的清票時間,只要消費者沒有於期限內完成付款,未付款的門票就會陸陸續續釋放出來,消費者可隨時留意網頁是否有釋出可購買的門票。KKTIX will randomly release the uncompleted orders’ tickets. Customers who have not finish the payment during the purchasing time, the order will be counted as incomplete and ticket will be released. Customers can go to website to check the availability of ticket sales.


注 意 事 項

  1. 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX正式授權售票之渠路、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。To protect your rights and interest, please do not purchase any tickets through any others ticketing channels or platforms which are not authorized by KKTIX. Fraud and dispute may cause during the transaction. Meanwhile, the Organizer and KKTIX will not responsible for tickets from unauthorized ticketing platform about the admission and other issues caused.

  2. 如發現有任何活動涉及違法行為或炒賣行為,主辦方有權取消其入場資格,並不排除採取法律行動,所有已支付的門票費用,包括手續費均不會退還。If any  illegal acts or speculation is found, the organizer has the right to cancel its admission qualification, and does not rule out taking legal actions. All paid ticket fees, including handling fees, will not be refunded.

  3. 已售出門票恕不接受任何退票、退款。購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。Complete orders and Tickets are non-transferable, no returns, exchanges or cancellation once ticket(s) are sold. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before the purchase of tickets. Once ticket is successfully purchased, it is deemed the agreement to all the above-mentioned terms.

  4. 一人一票、憑票入場,如遇門票遺失或損毀,恕不補發,請務必妥善保管好購買之門票,6歲以下孩童不得入場。Each ticket admits one person only. The E-Ticket must be presented on-site for admission. In order to protect your rights, please keep your ticket (QR Code) safe. Ticket will not be reissued if it lost. Age under 6 is not allowed. 

  5. 閣下有發燒症狀、體溫高於37.5度或未有佩戴外科手術口罩,主辦方有權拒絕閣下進場,有關演唱會門票費用、購票手續費恕不退還。Spectators must pass through a temperature screening when entering the venue. Those with symptoms of fever or temperature over 37.5 degrees should refrain from using the venue facilities. They may be prohibited from entering the venue, in such a case, the concert eTicket cannot be returned, exchanged or traded for cash or other offers.

  6. 現場嚴禁飲食,觀眾須在音樂會期間全程妥善戴上外科手術口罩,如有違反,主辦方有權請其離場,有關演唱會門票費用、購票手續費恕不退還。Food and drinks are forbidden in the venue. Spectators must wear their own masks to fully cover their nose, mouth and chin throughout their stay at the venue. For any violation, they may be prohibited from entering the venue, in such a case, the concert eTicket cannot be returned, exchanged or traded for cash or other offers.

  7. 演出期間嚴禁使用閃光燈攝影、拍照及錄音及手機直播,如經查獲,現場工作人員有權立即刪除本場活動的影音資料。It is strictly prohibited to use flash, photography, recording and mobile phone live broadcast during the performance. If found, organizer has the right to delete the audio and video materials of the event immediately.

  8. 場館有其入場規定,請持票觀眾務必遵守主辦方及場館的各項規定。如有干擾活動進行之行為,主辦方有權請其離場。Please follow the house rule of late admission arrangement by the venue. If there is any behavior that interferes with the activity, the organizer reserves the right to ask them to leave the venue.

  9. 活動相關訊息變動,主辦單位保留隨時變更或終止此活動之權利。The Organizer shall have the right to suspend or terminate the promotion or amend or modify its terms and conditions if there are any changes of the event.

  10. 如果有任何問題,可以查看活動條款及細則。For any question, please study with Event Terms & Conditions.

  11. 如對活動有任何疑問,歡迎inbox HKGNA FB 或 HKGNA IG 查詢。如對活動之票務安排有任何疑問,歡迎 inbox KKTIX FB (KKTIX Hong Kong) 或 KKTIX IG (@KKTIX_HK) 查詢。For any question on program and event, please contact the organizer through HKGNA FB or HKGNA IG  . For any ticketing concerns may inbox KKTIX FB (KKTIX Hong Kong) or KKTIX IG (@KKTIX_HK) for enquiries.


Event Dates

  • 18 NOV

    2022/11/18 16:00(+0800) ~ 20:30(+0800) Great Lawn, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區藝術公園大草坪
    Next Step
  • 19 NOV

    2022/11/19 16:30(+0800) ~ 20:30(+0800) Great Lawn, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區藝術公園大草坪
    Next Step